The default login page for Jira is http://localhost/secure/Dashboard.jspa, but I have encountered a situation where I need to force Jira to use different page as landing/login page. Here are the configuration changes I made:
To remove the logon gadget from the intro page you need to:
Edit the file located atWEB-INFclasses you can set the property jira.disable.login.gadget parameter to true.
Restart JIRA.
If you want to force users when they go to the default page to force a login you can change the default.jsp page with a redirect like below:
response.sendRedirect(“ ” + request.getRequestURL() + “secure/Dashboard.jspa”);
After the change my default.jsp looks like below:
if (request != null)
response.sendRedirect(“” + request.getContextPath() + “/secure/Dashboard.jspa”);
Also make sure to escape any & characters in your URL, or you may get XML errors.